Home-Made Stuffed Cabbage Rolls
Home-made stuffed cabbage leaves is a nourishing and tasty dish.…

The Recipe for Potato Pies
This is the very recipe for those who like soft pies. The thing…

Making Famous Chicken Kiev
The popular Chicken Kiev supreme are made from chicken breast…

The Stuffed Mangold Leaves with Rice and Meat Recipe
Mangold (also known as chard or swiss chard), leaves are very…

The Liver Patties Recipe
Today we baked patties with liver. We had chicken liver, but…

The Mimosa Salad Recipe
This salad competes in popularity with what is known as Russian…

How to Make Pea Soup with Smoked Brisket
Soups made from dry pea come out especially rich. Their other…

The Recipe for Buckwheat Pancakes
Buckwheat pancakes are traditional in Russia where they have…

The Recipe for Cock Soup
You can make rich broths from a cock which will make good soups…

The Recipe for Pancakes with Meat
Thin crispy pancakes with meat make an excellent dish for dinner…

Let’s Make Potato Pancakes
Potato pancakes are popular in many countries. They can be thick…

Fried Potato Pancakes, aka Latkes, aka Potato Flapjacks, aka Draniks
This is a dish that is very popular in Byelorussia, Ukraine,…

The Recipe for Vanilla Crackers with Raisin
Crackers go so well with tea, milk or coffee. When you dip them…

The Recipe for Patty Cakes with Egg and Green Onion
Today we hankered for patty cakes with egg and green onion -…

How to Make Meatball Soup with Garlic Dumplings
Soups are an integral part of Russian cuisine. They warm you…