The Recipe for Radicchio Salad with Nuts and Cheese
The red radicchio leaf salad, also known as red Italian chicory,…

How to Make Romaine Salad with Quail Eggs
Quail eggs are often used for healthy diet meals. A salad made…

How to Make Carpaccio from Field Mushrooms and Bresaola with Rosemary
You will need raw field mushrooms and dark dry-cured Italian…

Let’s Make a Hamburger
Can fast food be healthy? At our age of speed and the fast tempo…

The Recipe for Potato Salad with Tuna and Spring Onion
Spring onion, full of fresh vitamins and solar energy. It will…

The Recipe for Vitello Tonnato or Veal in Tuna Sauce
If you want to try excellent veal in tuna sauce cooked in perfect…

The Recipe for an Appetizer From Quail Eggs and Anchovy
Quail eggs make a wholesome and tasty food. They are nice to…

Zucchini with Philadelphia Cheese, Spring Onion and Garlic
Zucchini and vegetable marrows are of the same taste, one and…

The Recipe for Greek Salad with Capers and Feta Cheese
In Greece they make many different salads with goat Feta cheese…

The Recipe for Cheese Paste with Nuts
You can make tasty and nutritious paste, or cream, with Gorgonzola,…

How to Cook Mozzarella with Pistachios and Tomatoes
For this appetizer they usually take Mozzarella di Buffalo or…

The Recipe for Caesar Salad with Shrimps
Caesar salad is amazingly tasty though the products in it are…

The Recipe for a Salad with Red Beet and Nuts
Red beet is well known as a very healthy vegetable. It improves…

How to Make the Greek Salad
The Greek salad is served in the most expensive restaurants now.…

The Mussels Baked in Their Shells with Cheese Recipe
Surely fresh mussels are the tastiest when they are simply boiled…