The Recipe for Cake “Lemon Mousse”
The cake comes out not too sweet, with a strong lemon flavor. It consists of a lemon and yoghurt cream top and a nut crust for bottom, soaked in liqueur Limoncello.
Ingredients for Cake “Lemon Mousse”
For the biscuit:
- Wheat flour 40 g.
- Nut flour from finely ground hazelnuts: 60 gr.
- Egg whites: 80 gr.
- Sugar: 70 gr.
For yogurt mousse:
- Yogurt: 150 gr.
- 2 gelatin plates: 4 gr.
- Sugar: 30 gr.
For lemon mousse:
- Cream Lemon Curd: 350 gr.
- 4 plates gelatin 8 gr.
For soaking the biscuit:
- 100 ml. Limoncello liqueur
- 50 ml. water.

Ingredients for Cake “Lemon Mousse”
Recipe for Cake “Lemon Mousse”
- Whip up whites until you get hard spikes.
- Sift both kinds of flour onto whipped whites.
- Mix with a turner from downside up until you get a smooth mass.
- Put the dough into a detachable baking form diameter 16 cm, and make it even.

dough into a baking form
- Bake for 15 minutes at 320 degrees. Cool the crust without taking it out of the form.
- Mix yoghurt with sugar and gelatin melted in a double bath and mixed with 3 tablespoons water.
- Prepare lemon cream by the recipe Lemon Curd and mix with melted gelatin.
- Put out lemon and yoghurt mousse in layers on the crust that has been cooled down and soaked. Put the cake in a cold place for 15 minutes.
- After that put the cake in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
- Decorate with whatever you want. We used lemon slices and cherries blanched in sugar syrup.

Cake “Lemon Mousse”

Cake “Lemon Mousse”