
Italy and McDonalds are Totally Incompatible?
Italy is famous for its culinary traditions, and this is a good…

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Is Harmful for the Brain
According to a study published in the American Academy of Neurology’s…

Gas Range and Cancer
Scientists from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology…

How to Make Meat Balls in Tomato Sauce with Kidney Beans
Here’s a dish of tender meat balls and kidney beans that will…

The Rolls from Pork Fillet with Cheese and Cucumber Recipe
If you have pork fillet you can just fry it, but on the other…

The Stewed Chicken with Sweet Pepper Recipe
Here’s a recipe for an excellent dinner or supper. Chicken’s…

The Recipe for Quail with Sweet Pepper and Celery
Quail’s meat is very tasty. Let’s try to stew it in a sauce…

Table calorie meat
Meat provides our bodies with high-quality protein and energy.…

The Recipe for Pork in Curry
Using milk sauce and curry you can cook meat that will be especially…

A $100,000 Replica of Lady Gaga’s Meat Dress
By now almost everyone has heard of the meat dress Lady Gaga…

Lady Gaga Dressed in Raw Meat
Pop-star Lady Gaga turned up at the MTV 2010 in Los Angeles dressed…

The Chicken Breast with Sweet Pepper Recipe
Chicken breast is a perfect kind of meat with low fat content.…

How to Make Italian Croquettes with Meat and Potato
Croquettes originate from France, but now they gained worldwide…

Making Roast Beef
You can get a delicious dish by roasting or baking a big chunk…

Let’s Make a Hamburger
Can fast food be healthy? At our age of speed and the fast tempo…