Cranberry Sauce
Try our own tasty cranberry sauce recipe. Sour cranberry is very good for making various sauces that you can serve with meat, poultry or fish dishes. The taste of this sauce is very rich and balanced. This recipe also includes Mediterranean spicy herbs to impart excellent notes of taste to cranberry sauce which will enrich any dish.
Ingredients for Cranberry Sauce
- 3-4 tablespoons cranberry
- Saffron, basil, couple of leaves each
- 1 teaspoon rosemary
- 1 teaspoon oregano
- Several parsley stalks
- 1 nutmeg
- 3 garlic cloves
- 4 tablespoons Extra Virgin olive oil
- 100 ml water
- 1 tablespoon flour
- 1 tablespoons honey
- Salt

Ingredients for Cranberry Sauce
Cooking Instructions
- Wash cranberry. Crush in a blender with honey and 1-3 tablespoonfuls of water.
- Pour in a half glass of water and boil in a small pot.
- Strain through a sieve and squeeze off berries.
- Shred basil, saffron and parsley with a knife.
- Dice garlic finely.
- Grate nutmeg finely.
- Pour olive oil in a saucepan or deep frying pan and fry a tablespoonful of flour until brown.
- Add garlic and as soon as it becomes golden stir in shredded greens. Simmer over low heat for two minutes, stirring quickly, and then pour in cranberry and honey juice.
- Stir quickly for a couple of minutes and then add rosemary, oregano and nutmeg.
- Stir everything again well, cook for about two minutes and add salt.
- Cranberry sauce is ready and you can serve it with fried meat or any fish dish. It is also good for simmering seafood, poultry and game meat. Cranberry sauce enriches any dish with a splendid taste.

Cranberry Sauce