
Chicken Cartilage Fights Joint Pain Effectively
Here is some good news for chicken aspic lovers - chicken collagen…

Dietary Tips on How to Activate the Immune System
When cold seasons set in more people come down with the flu.…

How to Protect Yourself during Flu Epidemic and Acute Respiratory Viral Infection
A healthy diet can not protect you from possible virus infections.…

Pumpkin Skin Helps against Fungous Diseases
Pumpkin’s healing properties have been known for a long time.…

Natural Coffee Helps Women Maintain Health
Two or three cups of caffeinated coffee save women from endometrial…

Coffee Protects Liver in Hepatitis Sufferers
Scientists have known for a long time that many natural compounds…

Pumpkins and Carrots Are Effective Against Aging and Cancer
Pumpkins and carrots may be the tastiest means for the body’s…

Vegetable Juices Burn Excess Fat
Obesity, heart and blood vessel problems are the main global…

Milk Chocolate Restores Strength to Tired Muscles
Sport medicine scientists have good news for sportsmen who go…

Pumpkin Fights Diabetes
Pumpkin is the main feature of Hallowe’en, one of the world’s…

Sauerkraut Prevents Lacteal Gland Cancer
The very simple and natural foods keep revealing their anticancer…

The Mediterranean Diet Protects From Depression
The Mediterranean diet is already renowned as one of the best…

Much Salt Is Bad for Health
Dieticians and doctors are concerned that nowadays people's diets…

Skimmed Milk Helps Fight Hypertension
Hypertension or hypertensia is a stealthy killer who ruins the…

Daily Beer Consumption Is Bad for Health
Canadian scientists interviewed about three and a half thousand…