The Mediterranean Diet Protects From Depression

The Mediterranean diet is already renowned as one of the best diets to protect from cancer and heart diseases for a long time. The latest research shows that it helps against depression as well. The results of a wide-scale research conducted by Dr Almudena Sanchez-Villegas were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

The study states that those who stick to the Mediterranean way of dieting suffer from depression bouts and their negative results less by 30 %. Scientists believe that it is chiefly due to the daily use of good olive oil. It increases the serotonin level in the body, and serotonin increases the vascular permeability of the brain, working in a way resembling most antidepressants. The Mediterranean foods also improve the oxygen supply of the cells and restore the functions of the blood vessels. The whole of the Mediterranean way of dieting helps people of different ages and especially seniors retain optimism and lead an active lifestyle.

The diet abounds in vegetables including leaf lettuces, whole grain foods, fish and different seafood. The percentage of red meat and adipose is much lower. Scientists concluded that diet influences heavily the risk of developing depression. They are hopeful that their discoveries will help decrease the burden of heavy depression that keeps assaulting the society of late.

Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts and Olive Oil

Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts and Olive Oil