
Halloween Punch

Halloween Punch

This recipe for a Halloween cocktail is remarkable for its light…
Ingredints for Dulce de Leche

The Recipe for Dulce de Leche

This soft milky caramel is a popular sweet in South American…
Ingredients for Banana Muffins

The Recipe for Banana Muffins with Raisin

If you have got ripe bananas at home you can use them for a real…
Ingredients for Orange Jelly

Making Orange Jelly with Whipped Cream

Orange jelly, aromatic and sunny, will leave no-one indifferent.…
Ingredients for Apple Crumble

The Apple Crumble Recipe

Crumble suggests a lot of juicy filling encased in a crisp golden…

Spices Diminish the Aftereffect of Eating Fatty Food

Dishes lavishly flavored with spices such as pepper, turmeric,…
Ingredients for Apricot Sorbet

Making Apricot Sorbet

Fruit sorbets are a low-calorie alternative to ice-cream. Sorbets…

Cinnamon Lowers Sugar Level in Blood

Swedish scientists discovered that cinnamon, when present in…
Ingredients for Jamaican Banana Pancakes

The Recipe for Jamaican Banana Pancakes

If you have ripe bananas at home you can make a delicious treat…
Ingredients for Pisco Sour Cocktail

Mixing the Pisco Sour Cocktail

Pisco Sour is one of the most popular cocktails in Peru and Chili,…
Pisco Sour Cocktail Festival

Pisco Sour Cocktail Festival in Peru

At the beginning of February the people of Peru celebrate a nationwide…
Ingredients for Hot Sparks Mulled Wine

The Hot Sparks Mulled Wine

What can go down better in these cold days than a mug of mulled…
Ingredients for Apple Patties

Making Apple Patties

The dough for these patties is of the simplest kind, made without…
Ingredients for Hot Chocolate

How to Make Hot Chocolate

If you are depressed or just out of sorts, pick yourself up with…

Romantic Cuisine

romantic cuisine is a whole art, which was created by our ancestors.…