Recipe for Strawberry Jam Filled Honey Gingerbreads
Gingerbread is a traditional cake of Russian cuisine. There are lots of gingerbread dough recipes. Some housewives kept their recipes in secret, not wanting to share their reputation for making the best gingerbreads with anybody else in the neighborhood. We are going to reveal one of those recipes. These gingerbreads are made with steamed dough, honey, nutmeg and then are filled with strawberry jam. These gingerbreads are fabulous in taste and very chewy in texture.
Ingredients for Honey Gingerbreads
- 200 ml milk
- 300 g honey
- 2 lb (1 kg) flour
- 2 eggs and 1 yolk
- 100 g butter
- 3 tablespoons sour cream
- 3 tablespoons sugar
- Salt
- 1 nutmeg
- 200 g strawberry jam
- 1 teaspoon baking soda

Ingredients for Strawberry Jam Filled Honey Gingerbreads
Cooking Instructions
- First, melt honey and bring it to boil.
- Then, pour milk into boiling honey and bring the mixture to boil again, stirring constantly.
- Now, put the mixture into a steamer basket and add two cups of flour gradually, stirring constantly. Stir in flour well. Then add another cup flour and butter and stir everything until all smooth and ropey texture.
- Add a teaspoonful of baking soda, couple of pinches of salt, ground nutmeg and stir everything thoroughly again.
- Remove from the steamer and let cool until warm.
- Meanwhile, beat 2 eggs with three tablespoonfuls of thick sour cream and sugar.
- Combine this mixture with warm dough and stir well.
- Heap the flour on the table and put the dough on top. Knead until smooth and elastic.
- Divide the dough into half and roll out two medium-thick disks.
- Coat one disk with strawberry jam. Mix the jam with flour to prevent it from flowing outward while baking.
- Top with another disk and cut into whatever shapes –squares, rhombs or triangles.
- Coat baking sheet paper with cooking oil and arrange the gingerbreads.
- Coat the gingerbreads with the yolk and transfer the baking sheet into pre-heated oven.
- Bake for 20-30 minutes at the medium temperature.

Strawberry Jam Filled Honey Gingerbreads

Strawberry Jam Gingerbreads