Preparing Moscardini with Beans and Leek
For this recipe you will need the smallish species of octopuses called moscardini. The meat of these octopuses has a faint nutmeg flavor which makes moscardini dishes especially tasty. Molluscs make an integral part of the Mediterranean diet.
Ingredients for Moscardini with Beans and Leek
- 1.5 lb moscardini
- 1 stalk leek
- 1 tablespoon tomato paste
- 0.8 lb boiled beans
- several stalks parsley
- 0.4 pt white dry wine
- olive oil, salt, white pepper

Ingredients for Moscardini with Beans and Leek
Cooking Instructions
- Clean out the octopuses’ sacks, remove beaks, eyes, rinse the bodies several times. Then cut into medium-sized pieces.
- Wash the leek, separating the leaves, and dice it finely.
- Pour olive oil into a deep frying-pan covering the bottom.
- Fry the leek slightly.
- Add a spoonful of tomato paste, fry for 2 more minutes.
- Put moscardini in and simmer for about 5 minutes.
- Add tomatoes, boiled beans, parsley. Simmer it all for about 5-6 minutes stirring from time to time, then add wine, salt and pepper.
- Simmer for 10 minutes more, then turn off heat.
- Moscardini with beans and leek are best eaten hot.

Moscardini with Beans and Leek