Laminaria Salad with Shrimp Recipe
This wonderful salad made with laminaria, raw beet and carrot will not only provide recommended daily intake of exclusive complex of natural vitamins and minerals but also will help detox your body as well as strengthen the immune system. It’s not for nothing that dieticians strongly encourage us to eat salads with fresh veggies, sea weed and seafood for staying healthy. It’s healthier to dress the salads with olive oil or lemon juice. This is not only a light and healthy salad but it is also very tasty.
Ingredients for Laminaria Salad with Shrimp
- 300 g shrimp
- 100 g laminaria
- 1 beet
- 1 carrot
- 100 g olives
- 1 onion
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 3 tablespoons lemon juice
- 3-4 lettuce leaves
- Salt

Ingredients for Laminaria Salad with Shrimp
Cooking Instructions
- Peel carrot and beet. Grate coarsely.
- Chop onion and some of olives finely.
- Combine laminaria, carrot, onion, beet and olives.
- Pour with lemon juice and olive oil and add salt to taste.
- Boil shrimp in a salted water for about 3 minutes, then drain and peel.
- Sprinkle with lemon juice.
- Line a serving plate with lettuce leaves, then put the salad and place whole shrimp and olives around for garnishing.

Laminaria Salad with Shrimp