How to Make Walnut Filled Pastry Roll
Indulge yourself in healthy homemade bakery goods. You can always bake this yummy, soft and puffy pasty rolls with walnut filling to make your family happy. Our recipe features brown sugar that gives the dough its special caramel taste. But feel free to replace it with regular white sugar. The same is true with filling. If you don’t have walnuts at hand, use any nuts or jam.
Ingredients for Pastry Roll
- 4 cups (1 kg) white flour
- 100 ml kefir
- 200 g sour cream
- 4 eggs
- 200 g brown sugar
- 2 tablespoons dry yeast
- 100 g butter
- 3 tablespoon olive oil
- Salt
Ingredients for Filling
- 200 g walnut cores
- 100 g strawberry jam
- 1 tablespoon flour

Ingredients for Walnut Filled Pastry Roll
Cooking Instructions
- In a large bowel, mix yeast with warm kefir, then add sour cream and break in eggs.
- Combine everything well with sugar and salt to taste.
- Then add soft butter, olive oil and add flour gradually, stirring.
- Knead the dough with hands because so it becomes soft, airy and elastic.
- Knead until smooth. Then form a ball and put it into a large bowel. Cover with a kitchen towel.
- Let the dough double in size and knead again. Repeat the process three-four times during three hours.
- When the dough is ready, start working on it. First, divide the dough in half.
- Roll out each half into about 0.5 inch thick layer.
- Spread strawberry jam mixed with a spoonful of flour over the dough and sprinkle with grated walnuts heavily.
- Form two rolls and fix the edges. Put it seam down on a foil lined baking sheet. Leave to rise for 15-20 minutes.
- Rub the rolls with eggs and sprinkle with sugar before putting into an oven.
- Transfer the baking sheet into well pre-heated oven and bake for an hour at the medium temperature.
- Let cool and cut.

Rolls on a Baking Sheet

Walnut Filled Pastry Roll