Butter at the Price of Gold
As Christmas is approaching, Norway suffers from lack of butter. There is no butter in most of the stores, and where there is, it is sold not more than two packs per person. In some places enterprising salesmen sell butter at whooping prices like norsk krone 350 for 1 lb.
What brought about such a staggering lack in an affluent country? It seems that the summer was too wet to get stocked up for fodder properly, and milk yield went down.
One more reason that emerged hype around butter – the popular fat diet, that prescribes the daily intake of a piece of bread with butter, to get slim and maintain a healthy weight.
Local housewives are anxious over that state of things, since five kinds of cookies are customarily baked for Yuletide in every house, and one needs pure butter for baking – no margarine!
Belgium is sharing its butter stock with Norway sending over several trucks with butter, while some kindhearted Danes bring over butter in backpacks and hand it out to everyone who wants it as a Christmas gift, so that no-one should be left without tasty cookies at Christmas.