activated yeast

Spring-Time Cake

Here is the recipe for a yeast-dough cake. You’ll get a soft…
Ingredients for Potato Pies

The Recipe for Potato Pies

This is the very recipe for those who like soft pies. The thing…
Pizza Margherita

Il Pizzaiulo Championship in Naples

The 11th International Pizzaiulo Championship – a contest of…

Coffee News

Here’s good news for coffee drinkers from the US. A recent…
Ingredients for Meringue Roll

How to Make a Meringue Roll with Kiwi and Apples

This is a highly tempting tender roll made from whipped egg whites…
Ingredients for Rice with Pancetta and Vegetables

The Brown Rice with Pancetta and Vegetables Recipe

Dishes made with brown rice are a notch tastier than the same…
Ingredients for Famous Kiev Patty Cakes

Making Famous Chicken Kiev

The popular Chicken Kiev supreme are made from chicken breast…
Vegetables and Fruits Protect from Diabetes

Brown Rice Is Highly Wholesome

Are you inclined to follow healthy eating habits and invest wisely…
Ingredients for Fruit Salad Macedonia

Fruit Salad Macedonia with Kiwi, Strawberries, Oranges

Fruit salads make an important part of the Mediterranean diet,…
Is the Food that Has Been Dropped Still Eatable?

Is the Food that Has Been Dropped Still Eatable?

Dropped a ham sandwich on the floor? You don’t have to pitch…
Ingredients for Stewed Mangold

How to Make Stewed Mangold with Olives and Pine Nuts

Mangold, the kind of leaf beet, is a wholesome and tasty vegetable.…
Ingredients for Rum Baba

The Recipe for Rum Baba

Baba’s creator is believed to be Polish king Stanisław Leszczyński.…
Sweet and fat cake! May 11 is possible!

National Eat What You Want Day

May 11 is a special day in America – a day when everyone can…
Device for cleaning and slicing potatoes, apples and pears

Some Nice Gadgets

Though some may look on gadgets as useless trifles, they are…
Vegetables and Fruits Protect from Diabetes

Vegetables and Fruits Protect from Diabetes

People whose diet includes vegetables and fruits in abundance…