The Almond Cookies Recipe
These cookies come out very thin and crunchy, extremely tender, with smooth shiny surface. They are easy to make. If you don’t have any almond flour handy, you can make it yourself by grinding peeled almond in a coffee grinder.
Ingredients for Almond Cookies
- Almond flour: 100 g.
- Powdered sugar: 125 gr.
- Egg white: 3 pcs.
- Fine sugar: 50 gr.

Ingredients for Almond Cookies
Recipe for Almond Cookies
- Sift almond flour with sugar powder.

Sift almond flour with sugar powder
- Whip up egg whites into thick foam, adding sugar gradually, continue whipping until you get soft spikes.

Whip up egg whites until soft spikes
- After that sift the almond mixture onto the whipped whites gradually, giving it a good mix-up with a turner from the bottom up.

- Using a piping bag or a spoon lay the dough out onto a baking tray. The diameter of each cookie should be about 2 inches.
- Leave lying for 30-40 minutes for the surface to dry.

dough out onto a baking tray
- Bake in the oven pre-heated to 320 degrees for 15 minutes.
- Leave the cookies to cool down on the parchment on which they have been baked.

Leave the cookies to cool down on the parchment
- Don’t try to get them off the parchment at once because when right out of the oven they are very fragile and break easily. In about half hour they will be hard enough for you to pick them from the parchment.

Almond Cookies

Almond Cookies