Pork Ribs with Chickpeas
Chickpea belongs to the bean family. Not only is it a great source of fiber, valuable vegetable protein, B-group vitamins, iron, phosphorus and manganese, it does have excellent and rich taste.
Besides, Turkish nut, another name for chickpeas, contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. The former can help lower cholesterol levels and stabilize your metabolism.
The latter contributes to the health of the intestinal tract, body detoxification and even cancer prevention. As to its culinary use, chickpeas go well with a variety of sauces, but their duet with fried pork ribs will surely amaze even the most refined and sophisticated taste.
Ingredients for Pork Ribs with Chickpeas
1.4 – 1.8lb pork ribs
200-250g chickpeas
3 tomatoes
20-30g capers
2 -3 onions
2-3 garlic cloves
Several fennel springs
Oregano, salt to taste
3 tablespoons olive oil
Recipe for Pork Ribs with Chickpeas
- Soak chickpeas in cold water first and let sit for several hours, or better, overnight.
- After they absorb enough water to swell, rinse them thoroughly.
- Boil in fresh water for 30-40 minutes. While the chickpeas are cooking, cut and rinse the ribs, then pat dry.
- Warm a thick-bottom, or cast-iron, frying pan over strong heat.
- Put the ribs into red-hot frying pan and fry for 3-4 minutes on each side without adding any oil and salt.
- When the ribs are brown and crispy, remove them from the frying pan and put into a bowl.
- Sauté onions and chopped garlic in olive oil until golden brown.
- Add capers and finely cut tomatoes. Season with salt, grinded oregano and chopped fennel.
- Simmer everything together for about 5 minutes.
- Then put fried ribs and boiled chickpeas into this fragrant sauce, and pour in half glass of water.
- Finally stir to mix thoroughly, cover and let cook for about 30 minutes over low heat.
- Serve hot with fresh tomatoes and leaf lettuce.

Pork Ribs with Chickpeas