How to Make Wheat Tortillas
Tortillas are made from corn or wheat flour. They are eaten like bread, to be more precise, they are Mexican bread. Wheat tortillas are softer than corn ones, which may be the reason behind their popularity in many countries of the world.
Ingredients for Wheat Tortillas
- 0.6 lb wheat flour
- half a teaspoon soda
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 0.1 lb butter or fat
- 0.3 pt hot water
- 3 tablespoons vegetable oil

Ingredients for Wheat Tortillas
Recipe for Wheat Tortillas
- Mix flour with salt, add soda, fat, oil and hot water.
- Knead elastic non-sticky dough. Roll it into a ball, cover it up and leave like this for 40 minutes.
- After that roll it out into thin cakes, cut off the edges (you can do it with a plate).
- Bake the cakes on a dry frying-pan on both sides for about 2-3 minutes

Wheat Tortillas