Ingredients for Cheesecake New York

Making a Cheesecake New York

Cheesecakes are tasty and easy to make. Everyone who baked them once is sure to have fallen in love with the fabulous taste of this dessert. You have to know a couple of fine points to make an excellent cheesecake. You should leave it to cool in the oven for a long time so it won’t crack open. Also you shouldn’t whip anything, because the cheesecake can swell up while baking and cave in later.

Ingredients for Cheesecake New York

  • 0.4 lb dry cookies
  • 0.15 lb butter
  • 1.2 lb Philadelphia cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • 0.3 lb sugar
  • 0.42 pt cream
  • 1 pack vanilla
  • Ingredients for Cheesecake New York

    Ingredients for Cheesecake New York

Recipe for Cheesecake New York

  1. Break up cookies, mix with melted butter and 1 tablespoon water. Spread the mixture over the bottom of a cake hoop 20 cm in diameter, overlaid by foil.
  2. Rub eggs with sugar, add cream and cheese and mix up until smooth.
  3. Pour the mixture into the hoop. Bake the cheesecake for 1 hour in an oven pre-heated to 300 degrees on low heat. After that turn the heat down to 250 degrees and bake for another 20 minutes.
  4. Turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake in for 3 hours. Then put it into the fridge for 5 hours more.
  5. Cheesecake New York

    Cheesecake New York