Waldorf Salad with Green Apple and Celery
Green apples and celery go very well together. But it’s dressing that endows this salad with its stunning taste.
Celery and green apples are well-known for their salubrious qualities and often used in different diets for weight loss.
Ingredients for Salad with Green Apple and Celery
- 2 stalks celery
- one green apple
- a handful of almond or walnuts
Ingredients for dressing
- 1 tablespoon Worcester sauce
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- juice of half a lemon
- black pepper, salt to taste

Ingredients for Salad with Green Apple and Celery
Recipe for Salad with Green Apple and Celery
- First make the dressing – mix oil, lemon juice, Worcester sauce and honey in a bowl. Add salt and pepper. Whip the mixture up.
- Cut celery into pieces across the fibers.
- Peel the apple, take the seeds out. Cut one half into thin slices, and the other into cubes. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
- Fry almond on a dry frying-pan and chop roughly.
- Mix celery and apple cubes in a salad bowl. Pour the dressing in, mix up and let it stand for about 20 minutes. Then add the chopped almond.
- Take a plate, put out apple slices in a fan and put the salad in the center.

Salad with Green Apple and Celery