How to Make Neapolitan Fried Peppers in Tomato Sauce
These smallish and not very pungent peppers are called frigitelli. They are perfect for frying without cleaning first, because their seeds and skins are very tender. Frigitelli are widely used in Southern Italy. The smallest and tastiest sort of them is grown in the vicinity of Naples. Only they are also relatively expensive.
Ingredients for Fried Peppers in Tomato Sauce
- 0.2 lb frigitelli peppers
- 4-5 tomatoes
- 2 garlic cloves
- parsley, olive oil, salt

Ingredients for Fried Peppers in Tomato Sauce
Recipe for Fried Peppers in Tomato Sauce
- Pour some oil into the frying pan to cover the bottom half an inch deep. Put in a clove of garlic and fry a little.
- Wash the peppers, dry them and cut off stalks; put them in.
- Fry on medium heat on all sides until they become brown. Put them in in bunches, so it is easy to turn them over. When they are ready take them out and put into a dish covered with a napkin.

Fry pepper on medium heat
- Take another frying pan, pour in 2 spoons of oil, fry finely chopped garlic and parsley. Add tomatoes, stew the sauce for about 10 minutes, salt.
- After that put in fried peppers and stew for another 5 minutes.

Fried Peppers stew in Tomato Sauce
- Peppers are good in both hot, so in the cold.

Neapolitan Fried Peppers in Tomato Sauce