How to Cook Spinach Simmered in Cream Sauce

Spinach is a miracle vegetable! It stops the growth of cancer cells, regulates blood pressure, improves immune system and strengthens bones and teeth. Spinach provides folic acid, a lot of vitamin E, beta-carotene, iron, chlorophyll and other microelements. All this elevates spinach to top spots on the healthiest vegetables list. Not only is it a substantial source of vitamins and minerals, but also helps detox our body. Now we enjoy a great variety of spinach cultivars with succulent and tasty leaves. Dieticians advise on eating more spinach. Its is especially healthy for pregnant women, kids and people with weakened immune system as well as for all who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy. The combination of spinach, cheese and cream is amazingly tasty. When simmering, tender spinach leaves acquire a rich nutty and buttery taste.

Ingredients for Spinach Simmered in Cream Sauce

  • 300-400 g spinach
  • 200 g 30-35% fat cream
  • 100 g any soft cheese
  • Salt
Ingredients for Spinach Simmered in Cream Sauce

Ingredients for Spinach Simmered in Cream Sauce

Cooking Instructions

  1. Sort out spinach, removing the roots and leaving just leaves and leaf stems.
  2. Put into a colander and rinse in running water well. Drain.
  3. Cut spinach as you wish, but not into large pieces.
  4. In a saucepan, pour in cream and bring to the boil. Add salt to taste.
  5. Drop spinach leaves in the saucepan, combine, cover and simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  6. Cook until leaves are tender and turn the heat off.
  7. Grate cheese coarsely and sprinkle spinach over after placing it in plates.
  8. Serve hot.
Spinach Simmered in Cream Sauce

Spinach Simmered in Cream Sauce