
Healthy Fast Food? Is It Possible?

You can get healthy meals away from home even at fast food restaurants. Here are five hints how to better choose your food. Can fast food be part of a diet aimed at slimming and eating wholesome food? Not on your life! But you can make an excellent snack out of it.

Five tips can help you

  1. Order small portions. If the fast food restaurant offers sandwiches of several sizes, take the smallest ones. Order a standard hamburger or one for children with one patty and not a Big Mac with two or three.
  2. Pick healthy kinds of garnish. For example, reject fried potatoes for corn, boiled rice, low-fat salad, baked potatoes.
  3. Mind the calorie content of the salads. Salads with roasted chicken, bacon, cheese, rusks, dressed with rich sauces and mayo are rich in calories. Order vegetable salads with greens dressed with yoghurt or oil.
  4. Choose grill instead of roasted food. For example, order grilled fish, chicken breast or lean meat.
  5. Choose your drinks carefully. Many of sweet drinks are high-caloried. Go for water, unsweetened tea with ice or mineral water.

Thus, through picking your food wisely, you can enjoy your fast food meals – often unavoidable in big cities when the time is pressing – bringing down the harm coming from it considerably.

