Tiger Shrimps in Creamy Sauce Recipe
Here is an easy way to cook large tiger shrimps in creamy sauce.…

The Recipe for Salmon With Mussels in Tomato Sauce
Salmon is a tasty and fatty fish. It is not difficult to prepare.…

The Iceberg Lettuce with Salmon and Parmesan Cheese Recipe
There are not many ingredients in this salad, but they all blend…

How to Cook Italian Pasta with Fish and Shrimps Sauce
It is easy to cook Italian pasta. They like to cook it with low-fat…

The Gurnard with Shrimps in Tomato Sauce Recipe
Gurnard or trigla (Trigla lucerna or Tub gurnard) is a fish with…

How to Cook Cucumbers Stuffed with Tuna
If the cucumbers in your garden at your country house have…

How to Make Scabbard Fish in Batter
Scabbard fish lives in the warm seas and has a perfect taste…

How to Cook Ear-Shaped Pasta with Tiger Shrimp
Tiger shrimp and ear-shaped pasta is a tasty and healthy dish.…

How to Cook Squid and Octopus Patties
You can cook wonderful patties from fresh squids and octopuses.…

How to Cook Baked Anchovies
If you stuff anchovies with a flavorful mixture of cream, dry…

How to Make Congrio with Young Potatoes on the Grill
Congrio is a predator fish with a serpentine body without scales.…

How to Cook Mollusk and Shrimp Soup
This soup is a customary item in the menus of the best Italian…

Pasta with Shellfish and Shrimp Recipe
Today we post a gourmet seafood recipe where we use large shrimp…

Recipe for Anchovy and Olive Appetizer
This dish requires anchovy as large as to wrap an olive. Or any…

Octopus Salad Recipe
We decided to post one more moscardini recipe for you. This time,…