Entries by Elena and Alfredo


Try this recipe for doughnuts. When we were kids we ate them up right out of the frying pan. Most kids just love soft and tender doughnuts. This yummy dessert is so easy to make. Doughnuts will enhance your breakfast or dinner and you can send your kids to school with them or grab some […]

Quail Eggs

Quail eggs are small speckled pearls that nature gives us. Since ancient times, this delicacy has been prized as a dietary and healing food. While quail eggs are so small (10-12 g), they are packed with many biologically active substances we need to be healthy. They are an abundant source of useful trace elements and […]

Tuna in Tortiera Sauce

In Italy, small tuna is called tonnetto or «Euthynnus Alletteratus in Latin. Tuna is a highly nutritious gourmet fish of the Scombridae family. It occurs in deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. Tune is a predator fish and feeds on smaller fish. Tuna available on the market

Pancakes with Sorrel

Whatever filling you use, thin pancakes are always tasty. We though of filling them with sorrel and the result was unexpectedly pleasant. Sorrel is sour and adding sugar makes its taste amazingly good. As the filling has little calories, you can enjoy these pancakes even if you keep a diet. Sorrel is good for digestion, […]


Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) is a fish of the Scombridae family. It is also known as maccarello or lacerto. It occurs in the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. This fish is an ancestor of the Scomber family. Mackerel is a swift swimmer and lives in deep waters. It feeds on small fish. […]

Strawberry with Meringue and Whipped Cream

Enjoy this heavenly strawberry dessert with a sweetish flavor. It is so appetizing and light. You can make this wonderful dessert for a romantic dinner. It will create a festive atmosphere. After all, yummy food lifts our spirit and helps us relax and release our stress. What’s more, the strawberry is a strong aphrodisiac.

Oyster Mushrooms Soup

Eating soups promote good digestion and overall health. Try our recipe for a dietary oyster mushrooms soup. While it has little calories, a bowl of this soup is enough to still your hunger. Oyster mushrooms are known for their health benefits. They strengthen our immune system and have strong anti-cancer properties due to their beta […]

Meringue Cake with Strawberry

You can learn how to make a meringue from our previous recipe. And here we offer the recipe for a wonderful and delicious meringue cake. It’s the meringue that makes this cake so airy. This cake is spirit-lifting and you can’t think of anything better for a romantic dinner than a lovingly made meringue cake. […]


Meringue is an airy dessert that came from France. Meringue recipe is brilliantly simple. Meringue consists of the egg whites, sugar and millions of tiny air bubbles. An amazing and light taste will create the atmosphere of joy and coziness. Children like eating meringue so much! Now that we have mixers, this wonderful dainty is […]


Sage is a small shrubby plant. It starts as a grass and then grows into a small shrub with silky fragrant leaves covered with nap-like hairs. Sage belongs to the Salvia family (name in taken from the Latin word meaning “to save”). There is a great number of species (about 500). Salvia officinalis, or aromatic […]

Chicken Liver Pate with Capers

Try this unbelievably soft chicken liver pate. This excellent dietary dish will appeal to both kids and adults. It is a tasty spread on unsalted crackers and goes well with fresh and pickled vegetables. In addition, chicken liver is rich in the B vitamins and vitamin A that have a positive effect on the

Bavette Pasta with Pesto Genovese Sauce

Pasta bavette, with pesto sauce is a staple dish of the Genovese and Ligurian cuisine. Ligurian pesto sauce is made with homegrown ingredients. Basil grows in the fields in the northern part of Liguria. Extra Virgin olive oil is extracted only from the olives of Ligurian groves. And sheep cheese (Pecorino Sardo) is transported from […]

Pesto Genovese Sauce

Pesto Genovese is a staple sauce of Genoese cuisine. Pesto is made by chopping and grinding fresh basil leaves adding pine nuts, extra virgin olive oil, garlic and grated cheese. The best cheeses for this sauce are Parmesan, Grana Padano, Pecorino Sardo or Pecorino Romano. This sauce recipe originated in Liguria in the nineteenth century, […]


Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) belongs to the family Rosaceae. It is amazing that strawberry seeds, unlike seeds of other fruit bearing plants, are not inside the berry, but outside it. Since ancient times, the strawberry has been prized for its healing powers. Wild strawberry is a tiny and fragrant berry. Modern cultivated strawberry has large juicy […]

Fried Mozzarella Balls

Soft Italian Mozzarella cheese is used not only for making salads and pizza toppings. You can also fry it. You will find a great variety of recipes as anyone can add new ingredients to the breading. In Italy, Mozzarella balls are fried right in the streets on the holidays to honor tutelary saints of towns […]