Oregano Is a Natural Cure for Cancer
Oregano or origano, is a popular spice in Italy. It is added…

The Stuffed Mangold Leaves with Rice and Meat Recipe
Mangold (also known as chard or swiss chard), leaves are very…

Cakes Made from Pavesini Biscuits with Coconut Shavings
Pavesini is Italian non-fat kind of biscuits made from eggs,…

Moldavian Placindas with Cottage Cheese
Placindas are flat pies or cakes with stuffing. It is a highly…

How to Make Fish with Vegetables
This recipe is known by two names – Marinated Fish and Fish…

The Recipe for Pork Chop Made Italian Way
Pork Chops are liked for being a whole piece of meat. In Italy…

The Sea Snails with Parsley and Garlic in White Wine Recipe
Sea snails belong to gastropod mollusks. There are several kinds…

The Recipe for Honey Muffins with Chocolate Shavings
Today we treated ourselves to muffins with chopped chocolate…

How to Make French Potato with Cream
Tender potato dish with a superb flavor of cream and cheese and…

Making Liqueurs at Home: Limoncello
Limoncello is a Italian liqueur with a strong flavor and a rich…

Berries to Make Men Healthier
Men who regularly partake of berries, oranges, apples, green…

The Recipe for Baked Duck Stuffed with Apples
The peculiarity of this recipe lies in the way you prepare the…

Hot Pepper’s Super Qualities
Hot pepper is long known both as a spice and medicine.

The Granola Bars with Pumpkin Seeds and Honey Recipe
Here is another way to prepare muesli sticks. We used honey,…

How to Make Cretan Pies with Greens and Cheese
Cretan cuisine, alongside of Greek cuisine, is justly considered…