The Recipe for Patty Cakes with Egg and Green Onion
Today we hankered for patty cakes with egg and green onion – a treat from our childhood days. As soon as first green onions appeared, our granny baked us such patty cakes. They require yeast dough made with sour or fresh milk. The cakes came out second to none, we wolfed them down with cold milk.
Ingredients for dough
- 1.4 lb flour
- 1 ¾ glass (curdled) milk
- 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 0.05 lb yeast
Ingredients for filling
- 5 eggs
- a large bunch of green onion
- salt

Ingredients for Patty Cakes with Egg and Green Onion
Recipe for Patty Cakes with Egg
- Dissolve yeast in warm milk with salt, sugar and oil.
- Adding flour gradually, knead soft dough. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes until you make it smooth and non-sticky.
- Roll it into a ball, put in a bowl and cover up with a film. Leave it like this for 2 hours.
- Boil eggs until hard-boiled, clean them and cut into cubes.
- Mix eggs with chopped green onion and salt to taste. You can add some black pepper if you like.
- Once the dough has gotten twice its original size, put it out onto the table and knead for about 10 minutes more. Then roll it into a stick and cut into pieces of the same size.
- Roll each piece into a flat round cake, put the filling into the conter and pinch the edges together.
- Put the cakes out onto a baking tray seam down. Smear them with oil and leave for about 40 minutes to come to, then smear with oil again.
- Bake until nicely golden in the oven pre-heated to 356 degrees.

dough and filling

Raw cakes out onto a baking tray

Patty Cakes with Egg and Green Onion