Ingredients for Chocolate Cheesecake

The Cheesecake with Chocolate Recipe for Valentine Lovers

Are you still pondering over a St. Valentine’s Day gift? Try and make a non-bake cheesecake that will make an unexpected gift for the one you love. A cheesecake like this, easy to make, will serve you for many other occasions as well.

Ingredients for Cheesecake with Chocolate

  • 0.4 lb cookies
  • 1 lb ricotta
  • 0.4 lb sour cream
  • 0.42 pt cream
  • 0.3 pt milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 0.4 lb sugar
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 0.2 lb chocolate
  • 0.2 lb butter
  • 0.05 lb sheet gelatin
  • red currants to decorate
  • Ingredients for Chocolate Cheesecake

    Ingredients for Chocolate Cheesecake

Recipe for Cheesecake with Chocolate

  1. Grind cookies and mix with 0.1 lb butter. Press this mixture over the bottom of a cake hoop.
  2. Cookies with butter in a cake hoop

    Cookies with butter in a cake hoop

  3. Rub eggs with sugar and flour, add milk and cream. Pour the mixture into a thick-bottomed pan and bring to boil, mixing constantly.
  4. Pour cold water over gelatin, leave it like this for 10 minutes and then squeeze it. Put it in and mix until the gelatin has dissolved completely. Let it cool down.
  5. Mix in ricotta and sour cream and whip it up. Put the mixture into the form onto the cookie-based layer. Put it away into the fridge for 6-7 hours. Remove the cheesecake from the cake hoop.
  6. chilled cheesecake

    chilled cheesecake

  7. After that melt chocolate in a water bath with 0.1 lb butter and pour it over the cheesecake. Decorate with berries.
  8. The Chocolate Cheesecake

    The Cheesecake with Chocolate

    A Piese of Cheesecake with Chocolate

    A Piese of Cheesecake with Chocolate