
Dark Chocolate as Accelerator of Weight Loss
Is it possible to combine sweet taste and weight loss? In Germany,…

Chocolate pills against stroke
Everything is ready for scientific research organized at Boston…

Chocolate against Blood Stroke
In addition to the fact that chocolate supports proper functioning…

Non-Fat Chocolate
It is common knowledge that chocolate is wholesome. It contains…

Onion Skin is Wholesome
Onion skin turned out to be far from useless. Scientists from…

Strawberry Is Good for Blood Composition
Delicious strawberry carries compounds that are highly beneficial…

An Apple a Day Keeps Cancer Away
Try to have apples on your table every day, and get in the habit…

Almond Promotes Beauty and Health
New scientific reports revealed unknown health benefits of almond.…

Health Benefits of Red Wine
Grape wine is produced by fermentation of grape juice. There…