Sweet Peppers in Tomato Sauce
This low calorie vegetarian dish will fill your mouth with delightful taste. Enjoy the ease of cooking following this simple a-few-ingredients recipe. Despite this apparent simplicity, you will surely appreciate the fantastic taste of these soft fried peppers in a marvelous tomato-onion sauce. Besides, it is a perfect side dish to any meal. We mentioned earlier about health benefits of peppers and tomatoes. Just keep in mind that sufficient vegetable intake may prevent you from gaining extra pounds.
Ingredients for Sweet Peppers in Tomato Sauce
1 (0.5 kg) lb sweet peppers
3-4 tomatoes
2 onions
2 -3 tablespoons olive oil
Salt to taste
Recipe for Sweet Peppers in Tomato Sauce
- Rinse peppers and, without cutting them, fry in olive oil on both sides.
- Peel onions and slice into half circles.
- Chop tomatoes coarsely.
- Sauté onions until golden brown.
- Add tomatoes, and let all simmer together for about 5 minutes. Season with salt to taste.
- Peel the peppers. The skin will come off quite easily.
- Put the peppers on the serving dish and sprinkle with salt.
- Pour the tomato-onion sauce over them and serve.
- Croutons and fried toasts perfectly complement the dish.

Sweet Peppers in Tomato Sauce