Recipe of Tiramisu Cake with Cottage Cheese Cream
Tiramisu is a dessert that is believed to have originated in Veneto region, Italy.
This dessert is so mouth-watering, but is high in calories too. So diet-conscious people have to stay away from it. That’s why we cut back on calories in our recipe replacing fatty mascarpone cream with lighter cottage-cheese cream. Honey makes our dessert taste sweet. Also, the recipe features pure dark bitter chocolate, cocoa, coffee, cognac or brandy. So those who are dieting may safely indulge themselves in our Tiramisu version.
If you are going to make Tiramisu for kids, reduce the quantity of cognac or don’t use it at all.
Ingredients for Tiramisu Cake
- 1 lb (500 g) ricotta or cottage cheese
- 250 g Savoiardi cookies
- 3 little cups of coffee
- 3-4 tablespoons honey
- 40 g pure bitter chocolate
- Half glass of cognac or brandy
- Cocoa as mush as needed
- Candied fruits to taste
Cooking Instructions
- Brew three cups of strong coffee.
- In a large bowl, mix coffee with cognac.
- Grate chocolate finely.
- Combine honey and ricotta cheese. If there is no ricotta cheese available, make it yourself. Beat regular cottage cheese with 2-3 tablespoonfuls of sour cream or kefir in a blender.
- Add grated chocolate and mix everything thoroughly.
- Dip each cookie into coffee and cognac mixture and arrange all cookies evenly into a glass square-shaped serving plate.
- Put cookies vertically along the brim of the plate to form a little fence.
- Then spread a half of the cream over the cookies.
- Put another layer of cookies, forming little fence again along the brim.
- Fill the second layer of cookies with cream evenly.
- Sprinkle cocoa over Tiramisu.
- Let stand in a fridge for 2 hours.
- When Tiramisu is well-soaked with cream, serve.
Note: You can add any chopped candied fruits to the cream to enhance and vary the taste.

Tiramisu Cake with Cottage Cheese Cream

Tiramisu Cake Piece