Nonfat Yogurt Can Be Harmful
Nonfat products are often advertised as food for super stars, acclaiming, for one, nonfat yogurt as an ideal low-calorie food with a high content of protein and calcium. But nonfat products are very sour and not very palatable altogether. So manufacturers add sugar, fructose and other sweeteners to them.
Some brands of yogurt were found to contain appalling amounts of sugar. Stay away from sweet yogurts! Although they are nonfat, they are laden with calories. Go for a usual kind of yogurt devoid of sweetening additives and make it sweeter at home by mixing in natural fruits.
Besides, if you’re a woman of child-bearing age, you need normal products and not nonfat ones. This necessity is linked with a low cholesterol level in many young women nowadays which inhibits their ability to bear and give birth to healthy children.

Nonfat Yogurt Can Be Harmful
Materials WebMD