How to Make Meat Rolls with Walnuts and Cheese
Minced meat will do not only for making tasty cutlets but also for rolls with various fillings. For example, you can make a meat roll with cheese and walnuts. This dish will make your holiday table distinguishable. And it will taste far better than any sausage from a store.
Ingredients for Meat Rolls with Walnuts and Cheese
- 2.2 lb/ minced meat
- 2 onions
- 2 eggs
- dry bread, salt, spices to taste
- 0.7 lb any kind of cheese
- 10-15 walnuts
- parsley, garlic

Ingredients for Meat Rolls with Walnuts and Cheese
Cooking Instructions
- Add into minced meat eggs, dry bread pre-soaked in water, onion, salt and spices to taste. Mix everything up carefully.
- Spread the minced meat over the foil and even it out with hands.
- Grate cheese coarsely and drizzle it over the ground meat.
- Put chopped parsley and fried garlic over the cheese.
- Fry quartered walnut cores and put them on top.
- Make a roll by rolling up the minced meat with the foil.
- Coat the roll with eggs and place it into a well heated oven.
- Bake the roll at medium temperature for about 40-50 minutes. It will cut better when cold.

Minced Meat and the Stuffing on the Foil

Made Roll

Meat Rolls with Walnuts and Cheese