How Beneficial is Cottage Cheese?
Can cottage cheese be part of a healthy diet? Let’s look into its beneficial points.
- Cottage cheese means calcium, and calcium is the main factor in providing health and strength in bones and teeth, preventing bone loss. Latest researches reveal that calcium is vitally important for maintaining a healthy weight, improving metabolism, and diminishing the risk of developing cancer. Cottage Cheese per 100g – calcium 100-150 mg. Of course, in some varieties of cheese contains more calcium, but there are more and calories.
- Cottage cheese contains a number of amino acids that lower the cholesterol level and control the functions of the nervous system.
- Besides, cottage cheese is an excellent source of phosphorus, iron and magnesium.
- Cottage cheese protein is digested better than protein in meat and fish.
- The richer cottage cheese is the more vitamins A, B1 and B2 it contains.
But of course we have to be calorie-mindful. Cottage Cheese per 100g calories 90-100. So adults will do well to eat low fat cottage cheese. And if you add to it some fruit or a handful of fresh berries you will double its beneficial properties. Don’t forget about cottage cheese when you are planning your diet.

Cottage Cheese