A Glass of Red Wine for Sexual Arousal in Women
Grape wine is a valuable drink. Who knows how to enjoy its richness and amorous benefits best? It is now a confirmed fact that champagne is a strong aphrodisiac. Hundreds of chemical combinations make it a unique and unmatched beverage.
The last discovery that red wine stirs up female sensuality came from the heart of Italy – the city of Florence. To be exact it came from Chianti, the native land of Italian red wines. A research was carried out by a group of doctors at the Chianti Hospital, headed by andrologist Nicola Mondiani and urinologist professor Vincenzo Mirone from Naples. Research experiments embraced 800 individuals.
The results of the research were published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. The work, analyses and tests showed the positive role of wine in the awakening and enhancing of sexual arousal in women. Drinking a glass of wine resulted in an active blood inflow to the erogenous zones.
Wine’s positive effect is mainly linked with polyphenols, resveratrol being the most important one. But Mondiani said that even one drop of wine contains hundreds of polyphenols and thousands of active molecules that influence a person. He added that it is difficult to find which of them are the most effective, for they all work together.
And the most interesting thing in wine drinking is the importance of the dose. If one drank a little more wine than was necessary they got an opposite effect – the libido came down steeply. Mondiani says: “The results speak for themselves. Those who know how to drink good red wine, understand love better. And what is much more important, they can appreciate the pleasures better too”.

Red Wine
On the materials from the Italian newspaper “Il’mattino”.