Fish and Omega 3 Fat Acids Lower Cholesterol Level
The new researches confirm again and again health benefits of eating fat fishes because of high omega 3 fat acids and triglycerides content that lowers the level of harmful cholesterol. Omega 3 fat acids help heart in some other ways, for example, they lower blood pressure and blood clots formation risk.
In individuals who had heart attacks cod-liver oil or omega 3 fat acids reduce the risk of recurring attacks and resulting unexpected death to a significant extent. Tinker, lake trout, herring, sardines, tuna and salmon are richest in omega 3 fat acids. For heart support it is better to bake, boil, cook the fish in a double boiler or grill it.
If you have no liking for fish you can take omega-3 or cod-liver oil additives. But then you won’t get all other nutrients contained in fish which produce a united and augmented effect.

Trout is Rich with Omega3 Fat Acids