Ingredients for Chicken Legs Baked in the Oven

Chicken Legs Baked in the Oven

Chicken legs are easy to prepare. Try baking them in the oven as this our family recipe says, until they acquire a brownish crust. It will be delicious. With any salad you will get a complete dinner or supper.

Ingredients for Chicken Legs Baked

  • 3-4 chicken legs
  • 1.2 cups white dry wine
  • 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • sage, rosemary, thyme, laurel leaf, black pepper, salt to taste
  • Ingredients for Chicken Legs Baked in the Oven

    Ingredients for Chicken Legs Baked in the Oven

Recipe for Chicken Legs Baked in the Oven

  1. Grind the herbs with salt, add wine and vinegar.
  2. Pierce chicken legs with a knife in several places and let them lie in this mixture for 3-4 hours.
  3. After that place the legs on a baking tray and bake them in the oven pre-heated to 428 degrees until they acquire a brownish crust. Approximate baking time 30 minutes.
  4. Chicken Legs Baked in the Oven

    Chicken Legs Baked in the Oven