Recipe for Beauty Dessert with Pumpkin and Quince
The health benefits of pumpkin are explained by its high content…

How to Cook Gnocchetti with Shrimp
In this recipe we use very little potato dumplings. They are…

Red Salad Recipe
We called this salad “red” because all its ingredients –…

Cottage Cheese and Banana Cream
You can make this cream with cottage cheese, banana and honey…

Recipe of Shrimp Salad with Cucumbers
We invented a yummy salad recipe. This shrimp salad with cucumbers…

Chickpea with Basil
Chickpea dishes (hummus) are very nourishing and rich in vegetable…

Beauty Milkshake with Oat Flakes
Milk cocktail is the right choice for breakfast. If you think…

Tellina in Tomato Sauce Recipe
Tellina is a bivalve mollusks belonging to Tellinacer family.…

Rice Soup with Meatballs Recipe
According to dieticians, you need to eat first courses – soups…

Lamb Meat with Green Peas
Tender, delicious and stomach-friendly, lamb cuts are the best…

Sweet Peppers in Tomato Sauce
This low calorie vegetarian dish will fill your mouth with delightful…

Tartlets with Cottage Cheese and Garlic
Cottage cheese is used not only for making sweet dishes, but…

Pan-Seared Tuna with Tomatoes
Tuna fishing season is now open. So you can enjoy simple but…

Spaghetti with Moscardini
Moscardini are little octopuses that inhibit sea depths – up…

Octopus Moschatus “Moscardini Affogati”
Moscardini is a type of octopuses having scientific name Eledona…