Beneficial Raspberry
Some foods can be used as a medicine and such medicine is very tasty. For example, everybody likes the wonderful raspberry. It can eclipse even an all-time queen like strawberry with its sweet flavor, taste and juiciness. Raspberry’s medicinal anti-cold, antipyretic properties have been recognized from time immemorial. They are due to C vitamin and salicylic acid found in raspberry.
And the latest scientific discoveries revealed that it also contains an anti-cancer substance, especially the dark raspberry. It is known as ellagic acid. This substance can check uncontrollable cancer cell division, especially in the gastrointestinal tract.
Raspberry has always occupied one of the top positions in the list of the healthiest berries in the world. Besides its unique ability to strengthen the immunity raspberry also rejuvenates skin cells which are commonly among the first to age.
Doctors advise to eat a handful of fresh raspberry every day during the season. Pregnant women can eat even more of it for it contains folic acid and P vitamin which are so necessary for unborn babies. They improve the elasticity and permeability of vessel walls.

Beneficial Raspberry