Ingrdients for Tortillas

How to Make Tortillas

A tortilla is a thin flat cake that the Indians have been making from corn flour since ancient times. Later people began to make tortillas from wheat flour as well. Tortilla is one of the symbols of the Mexican cuisine. It is eaten as bread with sauces, salads, meat. It can be stuffed with various fillings. When made from corn flour only, it comes out a bit on the rough side, so we decided to use two kinds of flour, and we liked the result!

Ingrdients for Tortillas

  • 0.3 lb fine corn flour
  • 0.3 lb wheat flour
  • half a teaspoon soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 0.1 lb butter or fat
  • 0.3 pt hot water
  • Ingrdients for Tortillas

    Ingrdients for Tortillas

Recipe for Tortillas

  1. Mix flour with salt, add soda slaked with vinegar and hot water.
  2. Add butter and knead dough that won’t stick. Roll into a ball, cover it up and leave like this for 30 minutes.
  3. After that roll it up into thin flat cakes and cut the edges.
  4. Fry the cakes on both sides on a dry frying pan.
  5. Tortillas
