Yoghurt’s Wonderful Property
A new study has been published that reveals yoghurt’s unique property. Information supplied by the American Heart Association shows that a regular intake of yoghurt protects from hypertension, helps control body weight and keep the weight index lower.
The research on the effect of yoghurt lasted 15 years and involved over 2,000 volunteers who didn’t suffer from hypertension at the beginning of the research.
The scientists concluded that daily intake of a small portion of yoghurt makes for decreasing the risk of developing hypertension by one third.
Yoghurt contains calcium and a number of other nutritious substances; it is a plentiful source of proteins. Also it helps retain the feeling of satiety for a long time and contains a liquid that moisturizes the body.
According to statistics, there are over 8 million people worldwide suffering from arterial pressure. They run the risk of developing cardiac diseases, they fall prey to strokes by 3 times more than those who have normal blood pressure.
