Water with Lithium – Brings Happiness
Warm and antidepressant – these are the main properties of recently discovered Italian thermal water. Plunge yourself into a bathtub with 100-degree water or gulp down a little of it to get overcome by a bright mood, shake off exhaustion and everyday stresses.
The healing water was found at the depth of 450 meters in a place called Col di Sasso in the Province of Grosseto. The water has a high content of lithium that picks you up.
According to Maurizio Armanetti, international expert on thermal water, it had been the outcome of a long investigation, and they finally received the results of analyses conducted by specialists from the Sapienza University of Rome.
The samples showed a lithium concentration of 715 micrograms per a gram of dissolved salts. It is the source with the highest concentration of the precious mineral known as a natural antidepressant.

Water with Lithium - Brings Happiness
based on the article from www.massacomune.it