Try Pear and Orange Salad
A light fruit salad from juicy sweet pears and oranges makes a nice change in your everyday meals. This salad will look especially good as part of a festive meal, served in beautiful bowls with chocolate or confetti sprinkled on top.
Ingredients for Pear and Orange Salad
- 2-3 oranges
- 2-3 pears
- 0.4 pt or a glass of cream
- 3-4 tablespoons sugar
- 1 bag vanilla
- confetti or chocolate crumbles for topping

Ingredients for Pear and Orange Salad
Recipe for Pear and Orange Salad
- Peel pears and oranges, cut them into segments.
- Whip up cream with sugar and vanilla.
- Put fruit pieces into bowls and pour over with whipped cream.
- Sprinkle with chocolate crumbs, confetti or whatever you fancy.

Pear and Orange Salad