Ingredients for Tuna Fillet with Capers and Pistachios

The Tuna Fillet with Capers and Pistachios Recipe

Fishing for tuna is traditional in Sicily. The Sicilians make up different dishes with tuna. This recipe comes from the chef of a Sicilian restaurant where they serve excellent fish dishes. We tried this recipe out and the tuna fillet came out unbelievably fine.

Ingredients for Tuna Fillet with Capers and Pistachios

  • 1.4 lb tuna fillets
  • 0.15 lb pistachio nut cores
  • 1 tablespoon salt capers
  • 1 tablespoons ground dry bread
  • olive oil.
  • Ingredients for Tuna Fillet with Capers and Pistachios

    Ingredients for Tuna Fillet with Capers and Pistachios

Recipe for Tuna Fillet with Capers and Pistachios

  1. Grind pistachio nuts with capers in the combine extremely finely, add dry bread and mix up. You will get an unusual breading mix that will set off tuna meat with a wonderful taste and flavor.
  2. Smear some olive oil on the tuna pieces and roll them over several times in breading mix so as to have them coated thickly.
  3. Lay out the tuna fillets on a baking pan and pun in the oven pre-heated at maximum temperature. Bake for not more than 3 minutes.
  4. This fillet is served cut into thin slices with salad leaves dressed with olive oil and vinegar.
  5. The Tuna Fillet with Capers and Pistachios

    The Tuna Fillet with Capers and Pistachios