
Beet Juice Increases Endurance
A research conducted by English scientists showed that red beet…

Pistachios Are Healthy for Blood Vessels and Heart
Pistachios can be an important component of a healthy diet. Scientists…

Large Amounts of Strong Coffee Do Harm to the Heart
Italian scientists carried out series of tests to investigate…

Tomatoes for a Healthy Heart
All the British drugstores will be selling pills made from tomatoes…

Maize News
Maize is the only one of the edible plants able to accumulate…

Almond Promotes Beauty and Health
New scientific reports revealed unknown health benefits of almond.…

Green Tea Protects Heart
There has been said a lot about the health benefits of green…

What Is Unhealthy About Margarine Foods?
There has been said a lot about unhealthy effects of manufactured…

Milk and Heart Health
The latest news about milk health benefits: Regular milk intake…

Veal Heart with Light Sauce
Low-fat veal heart is high in proteins and contains iron, zinc,…