Tomato Diet Saves from Obesity and Cancer

Tomatoes for a Healthy Heart

All the British drugstores will be selling pills made from tomatoes in the near future. Scientists claim that taking these natural pills together with meals can prevent a stroke or a heart attack. Tomato pills contain lycopene – the strongest antioxidant. Lycopene is able to inhibit bad LDL cholesterol, which blocks the blood vessels.

The Cambridge University biotechnological company began to produce biologically active additives with a high lycopene content. These pill additives were tested by 150 volunteers with the heart blood vessels dysfunction. The research lasted for two months. The blood indicators measurement showed that the content of harmful fats in the blood was down to zero.

The research doctors from the Cambridge Hospital believe that pills with lycopene will be more effective in lowing cholesterol content than the modern medicine used by doctors. Scientists say that natural lycopene which is mostly found in tomato skin is difficult to absorb. Whereas in pills it is in a form allowing for a better absorption.

But some scientists go more carefully notwithstanding such promising results. For example, Professor Peter Weissberg from the British Heart Foundation advises to follow the Mediterranean diet rich in natural antioxidants contained in foodstuff in a natural complex with vitamins and other healthy stuffs and use only tested medicine.

