
How to Cook Spaghetti with Anchovies and Olives
Ingredients typical for Mediterranean Italian cuisine are used…

Rosemary is an aromatic evergreen shrub. It is cultivated in…

Chickpea with Basil
Chickpea dishes (hummus) are very nourishing and rich in vegetable…

Tartlets with Cottage Cheese and Garlic
Cottage cheese is used not only for making sweet dishes, but…

People have been cultivating the carrot since ancient times.…

Sweet Cherry
Sweet cherry is the fruit of Prunus avium tree of the rose family.…

Tomato or "Solanum Lycopersycum" is a plant in the Solanacee…

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil is obtained from the squeezed olive fruit. Taking into…

Vitamin Supplements Are Harmful?
The results of studies at Copenhagen University involving 230…

Red Beetroot Salad Vinegret
Vinegret is a salad made from boiled vegetables. Strange as it…

Apple is one of the deciduous trees and bushes of the rose family…

Cranberry is widespread along the Arctic Ocean coast and throughout…

Pasta with Beans and Mussels
Pasta with beans and mussels is a mouth-watering Italian dish.…

Persimmon Health Benefits
Persimmons originated in China. Then, the fruit extended to other…

Carrot Salad
Carrot salad is very healthy, because carrots are rich in carotene…