Why Sausage Is Dangerous to Men’s Health
Why is sausage especially dangerous to men? Women eat it too. The reason is that men eat almost twice more sausage than women do. Modern sausage products can’t be considered healthy food; they are full of chemical additives. Scientists say that they increase the risk of developing colon cancer by almost 20 percent.
As a rule men don’t take interest in their health until they have gotten serious health problems. That’s why they are not aware what danger their favorite sausage and frankfurters constitute. According to the World Cancer Research Fund English men consume not less than 1.8 oz of sausage each 24 hours. It is twice the amount women usually eat. And every year about thirty five thousand men in Great Britain develop colon cancer. The problem is quite serious as it is no secret that men prefer to tuck into a sausage sandwich than cook a healthy and balanced meal.
Rachel Thompson, WCRF coordinator, who is studying cancer problems, urges men to eat a piece of natural meat or a homemade patty instead of sausage. They also shouldn’t forget about fresh vegetables and refrain from daily consumption of sausage products. It is the only way they can lessen the risk of this dangerous and hard-to-cure disease.

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