Cornichon Salad

Ingredients for Cornichon SaladGourmets just love cornichons, or pickling cucumbers. These small, 1-1.5 inch long, blotchy cucumbers are so amazingly solid and crispy. Pickled cornichons are especially delicious. You can serve cornichons with meat, fish or potatoes. They are so good in different salads and go well with boiled eggs, cheese and olives. You may dress this salad with mayo or some sauce. Make any dressing you want.

Ingredients for Cornichon Salad

100 g bacon
100 g cheese
50 g cornichons
2 eggs
100 g pitted olives
Oregano to taste
3 parsley stalks
3 tablespoons (50 gr) sour cream
1 tablespoon (20 gr) mustard
20 g cranberry
1 tablespoon (20 ml) olive oil
Salt to taste

Recipe of Cornichon Salad

  • Peel and finely chop hard-boiled eggs.
  • Dice bacon.
  • Coarsely grate cheese.
  • Cut olives into rings.
  • Combine everything together.
  • Then make salad dressing.
  • Finely chop parsley.
  • Mix oregano, cranberries and parsley well.
  • Blend sour cream, mustard and olive oil.
  • Add salt to taste, stir everything well and salad dressing is ready.
  • Dress salad and mix everything well.
  • Let rest for an hour to ensure better taste.
  • Garnish with greens, cranberries and olives.

Cornichon Salad