Recipe for Spinach Stuffed Pork Loin Rolls
Pork meat is considered to be a good source of full proteins and essential amino acids. In addition, pork meat is low on connective tissue which makes it so tender. For meat rolls, you will need cooled meat and boneless pork loin would be the best option. This cut is the most delicious part and cooks quickly. Though pork loin dishes may be dry sometimes because there is almost no fat in it. Butter simmered spinach in this recipe ensures enough moisture in the rolls, also adding a fabulous taste. What’s more, spinach is very healthy as it cleanses blood and provides essential microelements.
Ingredients for Spinach Stuffed Pork Loin Rolls
- 1-1.3 lb (500-600 g) pork loin
- 200 g fresh or frozen spinach
- 1 onion
- 100 g butter
- 2 tablespoon lemon juice
- Salt
- Pepper
- Saffron, basil, couple of leaves each
- Flour, vegetable oil

Ingredients for Spinach Stuffed Pork Loin Rolls
Cooking Instructions
- If you have a whole chunk of meat, cut it along fibers into thin slices.
- Slightly pound on both sides.
- Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Now make the filling. First rinse spinach well.
- Sort out the leaves, trim off stems and chop finely.
- Dice onion finely.
- Shred saffron and basil.
- Melt butter in a frying pan.
- Saute onion, then add saffron and cook together for about 2 minutes.
- Add spinach, salt to taste, 2 tablespoonfuls of lemon juice and simmer over low heat.
- Simmer until moisture evaporates, stirring regularly. Then add shredded basil and turn the heat off immediately.
- Put the filling on pork meat slices and fold them up into rolls.
- Fix the edges with toothpicks to prevent the rolls from breaking apart.
- Sprinkle the rolls with flour and fry until nicely brown, turning over, for 8-10 minutes in total.
- Serve hot or cold as an appetizer with various vegetables.

Spinach Stuffed Pork Loin Rolls