Recipe for Anchovy and Olive Appetizer

This dish requires anchovy as large as to wrap an olive. Or any small fish is suitable. Also buy pitted olives, although those with pits usually taste better. Remove pits with a special device, which is also used for removing cherry pits. If you are a fan of spicy dishes, stuff olives with chilly red pepper. In our recipe, sweet peppers are used as, in our opinion, this matches best with the tart taste of olives.

Ingredients for Anchovy and Olive Appetizer

Ingredients for Anchovy and Olive Appetizer

Ingredients for Anchovy and Olive Appetizer

Cooking Instructions

  1. Buy pickled anchovy as this is a better choice for the dish. Fresh fish must be salted and pickled. To do this, scale, remove the heads and spines, cut the fillet into strips. Season with salt, vinegar and oil to taste and let it stand for 4-5 hours.
  2. Pit olives and stuff them with chopped sweet pepper
  3. Wrap each olive with a strip of fillet and attach it with a toothpick.
  4. Garnish with fresh parsley or other greens and serve.
Anchovy and Olive Appetizer

Anchovy and Olive Appetizer

Anchovy Appetizer with Olives Stuffed with Sweet Pepper

Anchovy Appetizer with Olives Stuffed with Sweet Pepper